Wouldn't your reaction have been "what is this Man saying sef" if you were among the first audience of the Lord Jesus Christ when He said "all the glory of Solomon does not reach the glory of just one lily?"
/Matt 6:28,29/
One reason why the Lord is dearer to me apart from His works are His mindblowing and mindboggling statements that just keep me thinking that which kind of Person is this sef?
Let's take a look at some of the glory of Solomon:
~ different kinds of houses, a super-magnifient temple for the God of Israel, a grand palace with a throne that had no equal in his time.
~ vineyards, gardens with all kinds of fruit trees.
~ pools of water, male and female slaves, singers and livestock of different categories.
~ gold, silver, 700 wives, 300 concubines.
~ wisdom, knowledge, understanding and majesty etc.
(See Eccl 2, 1 Kings - 2 Chronicles)
Talk about a man that had anything you can wish for as a human being, Solomon will qualify, He himself said "I denied my eyes nothing they wanted, I withheld no pleasure for myself...", so great was he that when Sheba, the queen of the South visited him, heard his words, saw his majesty and glory, she said "half of it was not told me" , in fact it was recorded that there was no more spirit in her, she lost balance of herself.
And the Lord JESUS Christ now says, one flower has more glory than this man, shouldn't you pause and ask then what really is important in this world?
Dust we all are and we will go back to the dust, we are like vapour, mist, shadow, bubble and like flowers that withers away.
Solomon's glory does not equal one flower because it is temporal, so our glory on Earth no matter how great, magnificent, applauded/envied, praised, criticized etc does not equal one flower, seek what is ETERNAL and lay your treasures in Heaven not on Earth.
If you have this world's goodies and you don't use it for the gospel's sake and for God's glory, it won't have meaning again and you won't enjoy the joy of giving/of God Himself.
What is really important in life?
Doing the WILL of GOD as revealed in the Scriptures of Truth and Life!
And yes, it is His Will that you trust and keep TRUSTING in the Person and Power of the SON OF GOD as you believe the GOSPEL so as to receive ETERNAL LIFE.
It's true that it is His Will that you love Him and people always with all your heart so as to inherit the Kingdom at last.
"And the world is passing away, along with its desires. But whoever does God’s will remains forever."
/1 John 2:17/
"For all humanity is like grass, all its glory is like a wildflower--the grass withers, and the flower falls off; but the Word of the LORD lasts forever. Moreover, this Word is the Good News which has been proclaimed to you."
/1 Pet 1:24,25/
We call you BLESSED!
#JESUS crucified only is my EVERYTHING
✝️Lost in HIS LOVE,
{A Close Friend of the FATHER}