So Jesus answered and said to them,, " have faith in God". For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Zechariah 4:7
Who are you, O great mountain?
Before zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
And he shall bring forth the capstone
With shouts of "Grace, grace to it!
Mountain represent something immovable, constant, motionless , permanent or a state of absolute.
There are situations in our lives that has taken the shape of mountain in a negative way.
They seem to dominate our everyday life but above all they seem to abstract is from moving forward.
It takes Faith to deal with the mountain.
It also takes a spiritual principal to speak to the mountain.
A mountain is to be addressed directly and commanded to move out of the way.
Who are you, O mountain, before zerubbabel you shall become plain.
Identify your mountain
Speak to them and give them your final verdict.
Let every challenge/ problem that you are going through, know that it will become plain.
It will be flattened
It will be made powerless, invisible and absolute.
God honors our faith,
Heb 11:6
Without faith, it's impossible to please God.
Our faith should be a conviction that God is able and He will do it.
We need to be firm in our faith.
Our word have power.
So let's exercise the power upon us to tell the mountain to move out of our way.