What God has destined for you, no one can take it away

Japhat was a son of a prostitute, but after the death of his father, his bothers and kinsmen drove him away to a land of tomb. An unproductive place full of criminals and hoodlums. But, he feared the Lord and God came to his rescue and reposition him as a king over the land he was pursued from. There are many people pursued from their lands being taken as osu because of tradition but God has positioned them into greatness. Reflecting on 1Chronicles 11...... you will notice that what God has destined for you nobody can take it away from you. See what the Bible says...... In the past, even when Saul was still our king, you led the people of Israel in battle, and the LORD your God promised you that you would lead his people and be their ruler.” So all the leaders of Israel came to King David at Hebron. He made a sacred alliance with them, they anointed him, and he became king of Israel, just as the LORD had promised through Samuel.  David grew stronger and stronger, because the LORD Almighty was with him.
1 Chronicles 11:2‭-‬3‭, 9..... When you were created, there is an inbuilt authority of God within you. God placed a seed on your inside awaiting manifestation into fruitfulness to the glory of His name. David was created and destined to be a king in both Isreal and Judah but enemies of Isreal hijacked the process and anointed someone else as king.  But what is for you is for you. Nobody can take it away. At the appointed time, they came to beg David to be thair king as well. Why did they deprived him of it before? Greed, jealousy, wickedness, spiritual manipulation and all manners of wickedness. They wanted their own son to be a king closing their ears against what God commanded. But when God moved, David was proclaimed a king. What are you waiting for? Experience the move of God? David moved with the power of God to capture Jerusalem, Jebusites stronghold and made it his own capital called City of David. He lived there and made it his own stronghold. 

God will always ensure your safety if people gathered against you to bring you down. God will always fight for you even when you  are sleeping. God will take you to the place he has prepared for you. As you trust God, your story will change soon. Judas has to die to give way to Mathias, your opportunity is coming. Don't be afraid. Be brave like David, take a step of faith to stop any goliath against your destiny path and  expire them. Arise in glory and enjoy great things that God has destined for you. All those who threatened you shall be humiliated. Lift up your hands in prayers and praise the Almighty God, He will do extra ordinary things in your life and family in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Pray with Psalm 89.20-25.

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