Two rights exists in every human being's life: a right given to them through birth from family foundation and a right given to them by Supreme power higher above them. 
For Christians, God has given us the right to become the children of God while all unbelievers have been given a right by Satan to become his children. There is a constant battle between the forces of light and forces of darkness. All those who surrendered their lives to God and do his will are under the umbrella and light of God. They do things to please God and share the good news of the kingdom of God to others. But, those who walk in darkness have no share in the light of God as their ways are evil and always full of worldly desires and greed. As you join me to reflect on 1 Chronicles 5..., you will notice that a right given by God is powerful. God will always use his ministers and believers to proclaim that right and pass it on from generations to generations. 
You have a right to get married. 
You have the right to work for a living. 
You have a right to financial freedom and breakthrough. 
You have a right to good business and job opportunities. 
You have a right to have children. 
These rights can be lost when you turn your back against God. Your connection right can be lost if you back stab your divine connectors and helpers . Looking at the family of Jacob, Rueben lost his right to be the firstborn son and blessings. His right was given to Joseph his younger brother simply because he slept with his father's, Jacob's concubine. Reuben committed an abominable act, his father curse him. Judah his brother become more stronger and kings producers in Judah. When your right is taken away, you become empty and things does not work the way it should be anymore. Esau killed Abel, God striped his rights away from him and cursed him. He became a warderer until he was killed. 
Thank God of mercy who finally reward the family of Adam with another son called Seth after both sons had died. Are you living in this life as if your rights has been taken away from you? What is your state now? 

A father wrote a will and denied his only son the right to his inheritance  because of stubbornness, waywardness and unruly behaviour. He rewrote his will to ensure his wealth was given to the orphanage on the condition that if his son failed to humble himself. The lawyer read the will to the Son and asked him to come back with an answer out of... If he chooses the father's inheritance, he will looses everything but if he chooses to be a slave, then he will gain and inherit everything. After three days of much thinking, he returned with an answer that he choosed a slave. He got everything back as he had decided to humble himself. 

We all need to humble ourselves before God. Let us not take God for granted. He is our creator. Let us all worship him in the spirit and in truth. Let us all avoid idle worship. Let us shun all evil and stick to goodness. Let's help one another to rise up in glory. When God sees your heart he will ensure your rights are restored to you. Every enemy depriving you of your right is therefore punished and disciplined by God Almighty. 

May God forgive us our sins and wrong doings we have done to our parents knowingly and unknowingly. By the power of the blood of Jesus we cleanse and break ourselves free from parantal, ancestral, marine, witchcraft, agent and occultic curses. 
May the power of Jesus uplifts us to always being in charge as the tribe of Jude does. 
May the power of the Holy Spirit empower us to be more stronger than every member of our families. 
May the glory of God blind every monitoring spirits and agents of darkness assigned to deprive us of our rights and positions in this planet earth in the name of Jesus. Whatever has deprived parents of what is rightfully theirs will encounter the fire of God and be consumed. 
May God link you and empower you to shine in your rightful place. Be fill with God's glory and power to make wealth. 
May whatever you have lost be restored to you in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 


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