Whom you are connected to, has positive or negative rewards in your life

God created the Earth in perfection, loved it, and placed man to take care of it. Human continues to live in community as their language and culture permit. A country can consist of communities and cultures of people with different or single languages. When they conquered other territories, they can impose their culture on them, rule them kindly or harshly. Such conquered territories begin to loose their cultural values as they are forced to obey the new culture. A connection has been established which can be good or bad. Reflecting on 2 Kings 8.... You will see that the good that you do will always result to good things and you will never lose but gain. During famine for seven years, Eilsha told the rich woman of Shinem to leave the land of which she obeyed and left to the land of the Philistines. She was the woman that took care of Elisha and Gehazi anytime they visited. God blessed her with the fruit of the womb. Good turn leads to another! When she returned to Isreal, Gehazi informed the kind that, she was the woman that Elisha had brought her son to life. The king restored all her lands and properties she left behind with seven years interest. What a good news!!! A good character and connection she had established with Elisha has brought her great reward. If you read through you will notice that any king that connected to Ahab by marriage always follow the footstep of Ahab and Jezebel to sin, dies a sinner, loose territories, be defeated in battles and die untimely death. Wrong connection leads destruction. Avoid it and follow good connection that leads to eternity. Jesus is waiting for you, rise up now and connect with. Worship God in the spirit and in truth. Don't worship idols and god of materialise. Don't join evil societies that turns people into monsters to do evil like the kings of Isreal. See, a person may be good and highly connected to be the President, Governor, king or queen, top position in business or job, leader in the church or moslem. The person before mounting the leadership position may be very good and having good character or background and having a focus, a dream to make things better, but if such person is surrounded with evil people, people that are bad, all his plans and dreams will be scattered. It is you the head that will face the attack while the bad people giving you wrong advices, causing problems in your tenure will be silent. Wrong connection has led to bad rewards. Be careful of those you relate with. Don't follow their evil ways. Don't follow them to join secret cults to oppress, humiliate and destory the plan of God for others because of wealth, popularity, fame, position and greed. If you die and leave the world, you wil live your family behind. Your family will live in the midst of all those you have oppressed, persecuted, killed, hated, intimidated, delayed their destinies, deprived of good things and refused to listen to. You can imagine what they will do to your family. You may say afterall, I don't mind, but you are not free either. When you die, your destiny is either heaven or hell. Therefore repent and follow God's ways. Bring the youths and children in the ways of the Lord. Make them happy. Create jobs and employ them. Recognize them in government and fulfill what you promise people before you mounted that position. Don't pay deaf ear to the poor. Help the widows just as the King of Isreal did. Restore people's dignity, honour, positions, lands and properties to them. Listen to the cry of your people and it shall be well with you, your family and all those working with you in fear of God. God will protect you and give you a new name. People will love you and mention your name while discussing the good things you have done like Elisha. God will ensure you are highly connected to greater things. His favour will continually be with you. Those who are Evil will be strangled to death just like King Benhadad of Syrian was killed. Such will be the portion of all those who has troubled your life and family. 

May God connect you. May God send people of goodwill to come to  rescue you from suffering. May the power of God frustrate  leadership that does not have feelings of others. May the peace of your enemies be withdrawn. 
From today, God will frustrate the plans of those who looked down on you and raise up those who will elevate you in the name of Jesus Christ. 
Be highly and divinely connected, be highly favoured in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 🙏🏻

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  1. Have the strong and Devine connections with your friends
