The question that we should be asking here is not whether you want to be successful but: What does success mean to you?
If you are like me, you have already seen what "success" usually means.
In general, the world portrays success mostly based on wealth and fame. Anyone that is popular and has a lot of money is being shown in the media often and we end up believing that's what success means.
But success need not be always about fame and money. For me, success means that you end up achieving what you wanted.
If you want to retire at 30 years of age and read books the rest of your life, and if you end up doing that, it is a success.
If you want to dedicate your entire life towards a particular cause and if you end up achieving it, that is a success.
If you want to write a book and end up becoming a published author, you are successful.
Success is about achieving what we want. And we should be very clear about what we want.
One of the biggest reasons why many people end up being unsuccessful is that because they are not clear on what they want. Many people end up wanting something because other people in their life told them to.
Your school teacher might have wanted to become a doctor.
Your dad might want you to become an employee of an MNC.
Your mom might want you to get married and have kids.
Your uncle might want you to start a business.
But what do YOU want?
Think about it.
If you are very clear about what you want, it is just a matter of time and you will end up getting it.
The biggest problem in achieving what we want (and build our own version of success) is that we are not clear about what we want.
If you don't know where you are going, you will keep switching your path and you will end up nowhere, or sometimes right where you started.
You can have anything in life as long as you are crystal clear about what you want and what you don't want. And to get that clarity, you need to spend time with yourself, and be in conversation with yourself.
Meditate, go on a solo trip, spend a weekend in solitude, practice a vow of silence once in a week, go on a trek - anything that can help you calm down from the noise of daily life and listen to your inner voice.
This will give you time and space to review your life's past experiences and you will start getting clarity about what you want for the future. You will get an idea about what you like and what you don't like.
Do not take anyone's advice on what you should be wanting in life.
You have one life and it is your moral responsibility to live it the way you want, not the way others want your life to be.
Happiness comes from achieving personal goals. You will be happy only if it is your own goal.
If you are achieving someone else's goal, you will end up unsatisfied with your life's achievements. May be others will feel that you succeeded, but you will not feel that within yourself.
In fact, most of the successful people today in the world did not achieve success because they wanted the world's recognition but because they wanted it for themselves. Then the world celebrated it.
Someday, if you achieve your personal goals, may be, just may be, the world will celebrate you. Or may be they won't. But it doesn't matter.
Because what matters is - do you end up getting what you want?
That's what success means.
Success is not about what the world wants you to become.
Success is becoming what you want to become.